Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome To The Future Of Right Now.

I’ve been thinking about starting up a blog for a while. A handful of you, or more realistically the ones I tell directly about this, will remember some of my blog entries on MySpace ( ). Life-altering as they were, they were also very infrequent (one in the entire 2008 calendar year and not many more in 2007), and so I have decided to focus, at least some of my attention on a much more regular journal.

Those old MySpace joints were usually about 2000 words long, rarely ever about anything in particular and often included speculation about when Saigon’s debut album might be released. The Saigon album still doesn’t exist but those other things I said a sentence ago are going to.. also not exist. What you will find here on PrimeIsHere are more regular, to the point, quick and consumable updates. There will still be the occasional hour long rant about how Stephanie Rice would be attractive as a check-out chick but not so much compared to other famous chicks, but these will be very much in the minority.

For those of you who never read any of those blogs, disregard everything I’ve said to this point (except the bit of about Steph Rice obviously because it’s a valid point) and welcome to the future of right now. I’m not trying to take over the world; I’m just trying to take over your house. If I can have even a small group of people read this regularly I’ll be thrilled, If not then I’m one step closer to being justified for a murderous rampage. Don’t worry though; as long as Zeke from Neighbours never releases an album everyone is safe. Ish.

Oh by the way I’m currently working on 2 solo releases and one with the very fashionable Pagen Elypsis Rap Unit. You will hear and read a lot more about this in the following days, weeks, months and generations.

That’s it for the intro, sure it wasn’t much but at least you didn’t have to listen to DMX talk about Jesus again. Blogging begins for real in no time flat.

Roll With Me in 2009.

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